Tuesday, October 28, 2008

so i already have to amend my last post.......

seriously, I'm never going to get this how I want it. Ok, so the real question is: is the girl just a pretentious hipster douchebag or is she just bored & alone & contemplating why the hell she's still paying back a student loan to a sub-par university for an education that has never been used & if she was so smart how come she didn't just go to trade school and hey, the water looks cool............


Jen said...

ummm...Maybe I shouldn't have encouraged you to post on your blog, because you are over my head. ; )

Remind me to share with you the time I was in library school and had to write a paper overnight on A Separate Peace. It is sure to give you a laugh and make you feel much more intellectual.

Jen said...

Oh, yeah! And I am the first commenter EVAR on your blog. WooHoo for me!!!

Ellen said...

Don't worry about blog amendments. I rewrite my shit all the time (especially when smart asses make fun of my grammatical slip ups in the comments section).

Keep bloggin'. I love it! Hope life in the Twin Cities is going well. Can't wait till I get to see you again!